I would like to take some time to answer to that...
First I thought about just deleting the thing, but I pissed me off so much that Ive decided that this person has to be addressed.
Before I say anything, I want to learn more about you, my dear Anonymous. I would just ask "who are you", but that seems a bit senseless, since youve decided to cowardly HIDE yourself. So im just gonna wonder here, ok?
So here's what I thought when I read your comment... Why in english? I only write in portuguese, so there is no reason for you to write me in english...unless youre a parent...but then you wouldnt be able to read what I write, so you would have to ask somebody to translate it for you...and then I ask why? Am I so important in your life for you to do that? I dont think so...
You could just be another aupair with issues...anyway, the point is: why the hell did you feel the need to write me?
Some other important questions: where did you read in my blog that I dont like kids? Did I ever say that? Did I ever say anything that led you to believe that? If I did, please, me a lady/gentleman and let me know...id be happy to argue with you on that...
Now answering your question: I DO LIKE KIDS! A few weeks ago I went back to Jersey to see my friends again and I couldnt even go to my friends house before I saw the kids and the family I worked for last year. They were so happy to see me, and so was I! It was amazing, I just couldnt stop hugging and kissing them!! I've missed them a lot...and today I can say I LOVE THEM!
Am I the kind of person that loves any annoying and misbehaving kid they see? NO. Do I smile and wave at every baby or small kid I see? YES. Do I regret coming here to be an aupair? NEVER! Ive learned a lot during this year and its been amazing. Every miserable day where they are all screaming and making me crazy...CAUSE THATS WHAT KIDS DO!
And let me let you in in a little aupair secret: we complain....a lot! thats just what we do...its our way of dealing with this crazy life we live. Are you an aupair? Do you know what im talking about? Complaining about kids, host parents, your room, thats just part of our day! Its not like we hate everything and everyone, its just something we do.
I dont expect you to understand what im talking about, you probably wont...Maybe youre just another person that saw my blog by accident...
The aupair program is an exchange program, if you dont know already. Its not ALL about the kids, its so much more than that. Its about getting to know another country, another culture, another way of life. Its about taking classes, its about making friends. IM NOT A NANNY! (and I dont make as much money as one, for sure!). Answer me this: if liking kids is the only reason somebody would become an aupair, why dont we all become nannies in our own contries?
But one last thing: I do my job, and I do it right! Everybody goes where they are supposed to go, eat what and when they are supposed to eat, and play with friends and with me. If that question meant to doubt that, how dare you! Im just learning
Have a nice day, anonymous...and if you wanna chat, id be happy to argue with you until your ears bleed!
PS: Galera, desculpa o desabafo, mas se tem uma coisa q me deixa puta é gente me atacando! principalmente com a pachorra de fazer isso anonimamente!
ENC:Currículo 50001996
Há 5 semanas
6 comentários:
Aline, assino embaixo! adorei sua resposta, e acho que esse anônimo vai correr rapidinho.
Realmente reclamar faz parte, claro. mas o preço que se paga só de estar aí nos USA, e poder aprender uma nova língua e costume, e viver uma vida que certamente o Brasil não seria capaz de proporcionar, vale a pena!
E vc nunca disse que não gostava de crianças.. haha
Beijo, e não precisa pedir desculpas não... na pior das hipóteses, deu pra treinar o inglês, haha \o
Haha tomou quem escreveu,
e com certeza se vc nao gostasse de crianca por mais que existissem grandes beneficios nem 2 meses aguentaria,
e vc ta no 2 ano.
com certeza amor por kids vc tem :)
saudades baby
to bege!!
Olá... bom, depois disso : " Answer me this: if liking kids is the only reason somebody would become an aupair, why dont we all become nannies in our own contries?
" Voce calou a boca de qualquer um que tenha feito peruntas como essas a qualquer au pair alguma vez na vida.... hehehe
Que nem ser mae ou pai... tem vezes que ficam bravos e cansados desse trabalho que é 24/7, mas amam seus filhos, nao é???
Minina encontrei seu blog fuçando o de outras aupairs e já sou sua fã. I hate this kind of people who think that because we are an au pair we need to be happy, glad, and satisfied all the time.
Pessoas q se acham no direito de nos julgar sem nem ao menos saber quem somos. E acreditam que temos q aceitar tudo, e focar só no trabalho, quando ser au pair n é só isso. Mas temos que compreender que quando o assunto é au pair, algum leitor desavisado sempre dar ares de ignorância pq nem ao menos sabem o que td isso significa, se soubessem, estariam certamente sendo hipócritas.
Anyway, just au pairs know what an au pair think and feel.
To te add. Bjosss
Manda esse povo q não sabe da nossa realidade correr daqui... kkkkk
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